Spot Guide
Af Mor Meluka, ejer af Cold Hawaii Surf Camp
Dette er en simpel men brugbar guide, lavet ud fra mine utalige timer af surfing ved Kystlinien.

1. Bunkers – Bunkers er Danmarks mest berømte bølge, og bliver derfor meget crowded når vejrudsigten er god.

Surf kun her hvis du kender reglerne for surfing, og respekter de lokale surfere, mange af dem har ventet åp denne dag, og bliver ikke glade hvis gæster padler direkte til peaket. Vent på din tur, og det vil betale sig.
SUP- surfere skal være experter før de tager i vandet, ellers kan der nemt ske uheld.
- Bund: Runde sten
- Bølge type: A-Frame rev, med en lang højre og en blød kort venstre
- Virker fra: Knæ højde
- Virker til: Dobbelt hovedhøjde
- Bedste forhold: NV bølger, Ø/SØ vind
- Bølgeretninger: NV, V
- Gode vindretninger: NØ, Ø, SØ, S
- Niveau: Øvet og op
- SUP?: Kun meget erfarne
2. Klitmøller Reef – Revet er en meget let bølge, her vil du finde en masse nye surfere og SUPers.

Revet er en meget let bølge, her vil du finde en masse nye surfere og SUPers. Nyd bølgerne men pas på de skarpe muslinger og lave vandstand.
- Bund – Muslinger, kan være skarpt
- Bølge type – Rev med tilfældige venstre og højre bølger
- Virker fra – 10 CM
- Virker til – Double hovehøjde
- Bedste forhold – NV bølger, S vind
- Bølgeretninger – SV, V, NV og Ø
- Gode Vind retninger – S, SØ
- Niveau – Begynder og op
- SUP? Ja
3. Inside Reef – Danmarks mest perfekte bølge. Den er hurtig og hul når den er bedst, og IKKE for begyndere.

Danmarks mest perfekte bølge. Den er hurtig og hul når den er bedst, og IKKE for begyndere.
Dog er det oftest en nem og langsom bølge der passer godt til begyndere.
- Bund – Muslinge rev
- Bølge type – Venstre point break
- Virker fra – 10 cm
- Virker til – hovehøjde
- Bedste forhold – N, NØ bølger, S eller ingen vind
- Bølgeretninger – SV, V, NV, N, NØ
- Gode Vind retninger – SV, S, Let SØ
- Niveau – Begynder og op
- SUP? Ja
4. Point Perfect – Point Perfect is perfect when it’s working. Truth is, it’s very rare when you see the perfect left peeling perfectly of the rocks.

Point Perfect is perfect when it’s working. Truth is, it’s very rare when you see the perfect left peeling perfectly of the rocks. Beware of the rocks at the take off zone.
Point perfect is a great place for surf students, so don’t be surprised if during the summer days the place is taken over by the surf school.
- Sea bed: Rock and sand mix
- Wave Type: Left hand Point/beach break
- Start working at: 10CM
- Hold wave size: Shoulder high
- Best Combo: Swell: N Wind: S/SW
- Favourable Swell: W,NW, N, NE
- Favourable Wind Direction: S, SE, SW, W
- Suitable For: Beginners and above
- SUP? Not right at the point, just move 20-30 meter and you can sup there.
5. Tolderstien/The bay – Strong current will push you east/north east. Don’t fight it, come in and walk back to the start.

Strong current will push you east/north east, Don’t fight it, come in and walk back to the start point.
- Sea bed: Sand
- Wave Type: beach break. Left and right.
- Start working at: Knee high
- Hold wave size: Overhead
- Best Combo: Swell: SW Wind: SE
- Favourable Swell: S,SW,W,NW,N
- Favourable Wind Direction: SW, S, SE, E
- Suitable For: Beginners and above
6.Krovej – Strong rips and currents. What may seem easy from the beach might be a pain in challenge in the water.

Strong rips and currents. What may seem easy from the beach might be a pain in challenge in the water.
- Sea bed: Sand
- Wave Type: Beach break right and left
- Start working at: Knee high
- Hold wave size: Overhead
- Best Combo: Swell: W Wind: E
- Favourable Swell: S,SW,W,NW,N,NE
- Favourable Wind Direction: E,SE
- Suitable For: Beginners and above.
7. Fisherman Corner – On its day it’s a draining right hand barrel on 20cm depth water mixed with stones.

On its day it’s a draining right hand barrel on 20cm depth water mixed with stones. If you doubt yourself, don’t try it, it will smash you straight to the beach.
- Sea bed: Sand
- Wave Type: Right hand Sand Point
- Start working at: Shoulder high
- Hold wave size: Double overhead
- Best Combo: Swell: NE Wind: East
- Favourable Swell: N, NE
- Favourable Wind Direction: NE, E
- Suitable For: Experts and kamikaze surfers.
- SUP? Not possible.
8. Fakir – Watch out the metal pieces when you enter and exit the water. It might even be hidden between the rocks.
Watch out the metal pieces when you enter and exit the water. It might even be hidden between the rocks. Easy wave to ride with some steep sections.
- Sea bed: Rocks and metal hazards
- Wave Type: Reef stretch with left and right handers.
- Start working at: Knee high
- Hold wave size: Double over head
- Best Combo: Swell: NW Wind: SE
- Favourable Swell: S,SW,W,NW,N
- Favourable Wind Direction: SE,E, S, SW
- Suitable For: Intermediate and above.
9. Fish Factory/Wind Mill – Excepth the SUPers watch out the terrible fish factory smell.
- Sea bed: Sand
- Wave Type: Beach break
- Start working at: Knee high
- Hold wave size: Overhead
- Best Combo: Swell: W Wind: S
- Favourable Swell: SW, W, NW
- Favourable Wind Direction: S, SE, E, SW,W,NE
- Suitable For: Beginners and above
- SUP? SURE! That’s the sup mecca! Don’t miss it as a SUPer!
- Other important notes:
- Except the SUPers watch out the terrible fish factory smell.
10. Middles – Strong currents and when its big barly impossible to make it to the lineup.
Strong currents and when its big barley impossible to make it to the lineup.
Watch out and give respect to the wind surfers! They are all over the place and they been there first!
- Sea bed: Sand
- Wave Type: beach break mostly left hand
- Start working at: Hip High
- Hold wave size: Triple overhead
- Best Combo: Swell: W Wind: S
- Favourable Swell: SW, W, NW
- Favourable Wind Direction: S, SE, SW, W,
- Suitable For: Intermediate and above
11. Hamborg/Alian’s/Sjoko’s – Pretty sure that the name Alian’s came to live by Sjoerd Kok!
Pretty Sure that the name Alian’s came to live by Sjoerd Kok!
- Sea bed: Rocks with send
- Wave Type: Left hand beachy point
- Start working at: hip high
- Hold wave size: Double over head
- Best Combo: Swell: W Wind: S
- Favourable Swell: W,NW,SW
- Favourable Wind Direction: S,SW,W,SE
- Suitable For: Intermediate and above
12. Bøgsted Rende – This place depend on the sand shape. It it’s in place, it can be overhead spitting barrels like in La Graviere, France.

This place depend on the sand shape. If it’s in place, it can be overhead spitting barrels like in La Graviere, France. In that case, it’s for expert surfers only.
Watch out the current!
- Sea bed: Sand
- Wave Type: Beach break. Left and right.
- Start working at: hip high
- Hold wave size: Overhead
- Best Combo 1: Swell: S Wind: SE/E
- Best Combo 2: Swell: N/NE Wind: E
- Favourable Swell: S,SW,W,NW,N,NE
- Favourable Wind Direction: S,SE,E,NE
- Suitable For: Intermediate and above
13. Vorupor Bay/Underdogs – Can be an easy wave, but also be a super barrel. All depend on the sand…

Can be an easy wave, but can also be a super barrel. All depend on the sand…
- Sea bed: Sand
- Wave Type: Beach break right and left
- Start working at: knee high
- Hold wave size: double over head
- Best Combo: Swell: W Wind: SE
- Favourable Swell: S, SW, W, NW, N,NE
- Favourable Wind Direction: S,SE,E , SW
- Suitable For: Intermediate and above
14. Small Pier – Getting very crowded. Don’t miss the fish balls in the local Røgeri.

Getting very crowded. Don’t miss the fish balls in the local Rogeri.
- Sea bed: Sand
- Wave Type: Beach break mostly left handers
- Start working at: Hip high
- Hold wave size: Overhead
- Best Combo: Swell: NW Wind: S/SE
- Favourable Swell: S,SW,W,NW,N
- Favourable Wind Direction: SE,S,SW,W,NW
- Suitable For: Intermediate and above
- SUP? Recommended only if not crowded to avoid accidents
15. Big Pier – This surf spot is not working at the moment due to heavy sand traffic at the end of the pier.

This surf spot is not working at the moment due to heavy sand traffic at the end of the pier. This causes blockage if the swell into the normal surf spot.
On the other hand, try find some nice waves on the new outer sand bank and you might get lucky.
- Sea bed: Muscles Reef
- Wave Type: Left hand point
- Start working at: knee high
- Hold wave size: head high
- Best Combo: Swell: NW Wind: S
- Favourable Swell: NW, W, SW, N
- Favourable Wind Direction: S,SE,SW,W
- Suitable For: Intermediate and above
- SUP? Recommended when NOT crowded.
16. South Side – Heavy shore break, mu favourite surf spot in Denmark. Can get som real big barrels!

Heavy shore break, my favourite surf spot in Denmark. Can get some real big barrels!
- Sea bed: Sand
- Wave Type: Shore break
- Start working at: Shoulder high
- Hold wave size: Double over head
- Best Combo: Swell: NW Wind: E
- Favourable Swell: W,NW,N,NE
- Favourable Wind Direction: S,SE,E,NE
- Suitable For: Experts only
- SUP? NOT Recommended
17. Stenbjerg – Stjenbjerg can be epic and can be very bad! All depend on the sand move..
Stenbjerg can be epic and can be very bad! All depend on the sand move…
- Sea bed: Sand
- Wave Type: beach break
- Start working at: Knee high
- Hold wave size: Overhead
- Favourable Swell: S,SW,W,NW,N,NE
- Favourable Wind Direction: S,SE,E,NE
- Suitable For: Intermediate and above
18. Lyngby – Lyngby was a great surf spot years ago with stable barrels right on the beach.
Lyngby was a great surf spot years ago with stable barrels right on the beach. But like any other surf spot on the west coast is depend on the sand movement. The last years the place didn’t provide the same old waves and the sand dunes that collapsed into the water has pushed the line up quiet far out at sea.
Still producing occasionally similar style left hand barrel under the right conditions.
Watch out the strong current!
- Sea bed: Sand
- Wave Type: Beach break
- Start working at: Hip high
- Hold wave size: Overhead
- Best Combo: Swell: S Wind: E
- Favourable Swell: S,SW,W,NW,N,NE
- Favourable Wind Direction: S,SE,E,NE
- Suitable For: Intermediate and above
19. Agger – Agger is ling stretch of sandy beaches with endless piers dividing the beach.

Agger is long stretch of sandy beaches with endless piers dividing the beach.
Every time the conditions are right it’s possible to find a good wave around.
It’s all about the adventure! Take your time and go search!
- Sea bed: Sand
- Wave Type: Beach break
- Start working at: Hip high
- Hold wave size: Triple overhead
- Favourable Swell: S,SW,W,NW,N,NE
- Favourable Wind Direction: E, SE
- Suitable For: All!
20. Agger big pier – A lively far away surf spot where nature and surfers are one. Good shelter from the south wind and can hold very big waves as well.
A lovely far away surf spot where nature and surfers are one. Good shelter from the south wind and can hold very big waves as well.
Say hello to the seals !
- Sea bed: Sand
- Wave Type: Beach break mostly left hander.
- Start working at: hip high
- Hold wave size: Double over head
- Best Combo: Swell: SW Wind: SE/E
- Favourable Swell: S,SW,W,NW,
- Favourable Wind Direction: S,SE,E
- Suitable For: Intermediate and above
21. Agger Channel – For the waves to break there, we need a giant W/NW swell to hit the coast line. Come here when everywhere else is out of controld and too big.
For the waves to break there, we need a giant W/NW swell to hit the coast line. Come here when everywhere else is out of control and too big.
- Sea bed: Sand
- Wave Type: Right hand sand point
- Start working at: Shoulder high
- Hold wave size: Double over head
- Favourable Swell: NW, W
- Favourable Wind Direction: NW,N,NE,E
- Suitable For: Intermediate and above
- SUP? Experience SUPers only!
22. Bunkers Beach Break – Bunkers Beach is an amazing place. The biggest barrels I have seen in Denmark were right here.

Bunkers Beachy is an amazing place. The biggest barrels i have seen in Denmark were right there.
Depend a lot on the sand flow, you can get a heavy, tricky and powerful ride right in front of the bunkers parking lot.
- Sea bed: Sand
- Wave Type: Shore break lefts and rights
- Start working at: Shoulder high
- Hold wave size: triple over head
- Favourable Swell: NW, W, N, NE, S, SW
- Favourable Wind Direction: NE, E, SE, S
- Suitable For: Intermediate and above